Let the Wild Rumpus Start.

I'm staring down the barrel of my 26th birthday. I've always maintained that May 5th is the best day for birthdays, since everyone celebrates with me - even more so since I'm right to next to Kentucky, and the Derby always falls right around (or last year, on!) the date. So bring on the juleps, the margaritas, pinatas and rat racing. It's party time!

sometimes I sing in a bar.

I'm asking you, friends and voracious, beautiful readers, for a birthday present this year. I'm in a choir- the Young Professional's Choral Collective - a really incredible group of people that used to sing in college and high school (okay, there are a few that are musically employed) and wanted an outlet to sing together.

We practice in bars and perform in parks, and it's an amazing experience that weaves us into the OTR neighborhood in a significant way. The directors do this on top of their other jobs, and it's very inexpensive for us singers to participate - but we need funds to keep producing music and concerts (paying for music rights, sound equipment and lights, and compensating the people at the top who keep the whole caboodle going.)

We're holding an indiegogo campaign to raise money for next season. We're not a nonprofit, and we only hold a few concerts a year - many of them free for audiences.

Instead of buying me a drink this weekend, could you chip in $5 (or more maybe) to YP/CC instead?
I know you enjoyed the video clips (including one of me looking like a doofus because I'm an overly expressive singer. THANKS SHOW CHOIR.).

We're holding a concert on May 4th. If YOU want to come sing with us for a day, we'll be doing that on May 11. We'll also be singing in Washington Park on May 17th and at the Go OTR Celebration on May 18th. The arts in Cincinnati help contribute to our sense of place and establish great neighborhoods. Thanks for your help.

Reaching new heights

My dear friend Jamie wanted to try something new for her birthday. This past Sunday, we did a trapeze class with Cincinnati Circus Company. They set up a net and trapeze system in Burnet Woods right across from DAAP, so hundreds of people drove by while we got harnessed in and climbed thirty feet in the air to swing from our arms.

not me
Jamie, Lauren, and Kristin all fearlessly climbed to the top and swung upside down from their knees, doing flips, and even swinging by another's hands - circus style!

I am not inclined to be upside down. At all. I can't do a cartwheel. I never signed me up for cheerleading or gymnastics. I got to be the comic relief in our group, managing to ascend the ladder and swing awkwardly by my arms all while praying not to be killed in the myriad of ways that were mentioned in the release form we signed. Someone had to do it.

more my speed

"Go ahead and get your knees up!" called the spotter from the ground. "No freaking way!" was my reply.

I faced my fears, and tried something new. Whatever keeps you fresh!
