Leftovers = Deliciousness.

Being a greenie on a budget means that I a) don't have much cash to spend on groceries and b) I really hate throwing away food. It's that time of the month where my food stash is starting to dwindle and I have a little bit of a lot of things hanging out in the fridge. I'm in college, and so my mom feels the need to load me down with as much food as I can carry every time I make a visit home. What to do with all the little random bits of food that are on the brink of going bad? Time for some creativity in the kitchen! I'm posting this not only for you, but also for me, in case I ever want to make this recipe again - it was DAMN good.

Today's Iron Chef challenge: almost-soft pepper, half a shallot, end of the bag of baby spinach, 2 slices of pork roast, string cheese.

Carmalized Pork and Veggie Quesadillas!

(Please bear with me, as I am currently camera-less and I only have my Blackberry camera to keep me going for now)

1) chop half a yellow pepper and half a medium sized shallot into small pieces. Mix in a bowl with olive oil and salt and pepper, then saute in saucepan over medium-high heat.

2) chop 2 slices of pork roast into small pieces. Mix in a bowl with balsamic vinegar and let marinate while the pepper and onion is cooking.

3) when the veggies start to brown on both sides and the oil is reduced, add the pork. Mix thoroughly and turn the stove down to medium-low heat. Let simmer for 10 minutes or so until the sauce is reduced, it smells amazing, and the whole shebang looks all caramely and delicious.

4) take the veggies and pork out of the fry pan into a bowl. without draining or cleaning the pan place a tortilla shell into the pan. Spoon your veggies and pork evenly over the tortilla. Unwrap the cheese stick and shred over the pork mixture. Sprinkle with lime juice. Top with a small amount of baby spinach. Top all that with another tortilla, this one with a little honey drizzled on one side (so that it will stick to the rest of the yummyness)

5) brown the tortilla on both sides until the cheese is melted and you can no longer take the deliciousness. Remove from pan, quarter, and enjoy!

I suppose you could mix up the ingredients based on what you have in the fridge. I am excited to try this again... like maybe in an hour. It was that good.