Our personal frames, perspectives, and biases manifest in sometimes opposing world views. The key is being able to take off or recognize our own framework and put on or view someone else's without feeling like we are denying our core beliefs and Self- which is where so much breakdown is happening.
It's 'I have a jacket' (an opinion or view that I can take on or off as I please) versus 'I am my jacket' (where my view in inexorably linked to who I am as a person).
This exercise in empathy is increasingly important to me, as someone who proudly wore her 'I am Cincinnati! I am Streetcar! I am urbanism!' Jackets for many years- and had to really examine the person that was left after I finally took them off. It's difficult to do... but so liberating, and so needed, these days.
You are just you. Not your jacket! 👘✌🏽️🌎❤️