The FunSaver Experiment

we're gonna party like it's 1999.
It's easy to forget how convenient and advanced technology is these days. In an attempt to test my willpower and try something new, I recently purchased a FunSaver camera (yep, one of those...) from my local CVS. I have fond memories of field trips and weeks at camp captured forever, red-eyed and sometimes blurry, by the hands of a fifth grader. Nostalgia clouded my brain, and you know I never turn down the opportunity to try something out of the ordinary.
It took my friends and I over 10 minutes to completely remember how to use the thing. Hint: the flash button is on the FRONT. The thrill of composing the shot, waiting for the right moment- even the clickity clack of the wheel as I pulled my thumb across to advance the film- sent waves of nostalgia washing over me. I was sure that, nearly 20 years later, my photography skills would be much improved.

this one actually turned out okay-ish.
So I stuck the thing in my purse for the better part of four weekends, carrying it with me every time I went out. Opening Day celebrations, warehouse parties, St. Patrick's Day... it even came along to Seattle for the final frame. I practically dragged the friend I was visiting to the closest Walgreens, breathlessly counting down the hours until the prints would be finished. And yes, I got doubles.

There's nothing earth-shattering about these pictures. A lot of goofy faces, with people that are important to me. Many shots didn't even turn out because I kept forgetting to use the flash. No filters, no share mechanism, and more money than I've spent on photography in quite a while - it certainly wasn't the picture experience I've been used to for the last several years..

Still, the physical experience of composing the frame, having no idea what the final result would be, and the looks of confusion and recognition on my friends' faces when I pulled out the camera was pretty priceless. I will stay digital with my photos from here on out, but the opportunity and experience was a little diversion from our hyper-tech, connected world.

Dee Cee Weekend!

I love and miss my DAAP friends - even the ones that live less than 10 minutes away! With everyone so busy in the Real World with Big Girl Jobs, sometimes you just have to stop and take time out to smell the cherry blossoms.

My girl Sarah (the one who lives 10 minutes away) and I drove out to visit Corrie in Washington DC, where she's working at an awesome design firm and living the dream!

Check it out!

this is Cincinnati.

this is Frederick, Maryland. They look very similar.

 awesome beer bottle cuff links at Eastern Market.

ladyfriends looking all beautiful and urban.

 great ad by Zipcar - when are you coming to Cincinnati?!

 we stopped to smell the cherry blossoms.

 and had fun photoshoots in the park (what?! we're designers!)

 and ate awesome local food.

It was a really fun weekend. I love and miss my friends!


One of my very favorite Cincinnati events of the entire year was last weekend. Every year the Parks Department and several local hot air balloon companies come together to present the public with a balloon glow over Mirror Lake at Eden Park.

The array of colorful balloons glowing and reflected in the water is a photographer's dream, and I used the opportunity to play with the settings on my camera. This is why some of the pictures are very dark and others have a visible backdrop.

My favorite balloon was the one on the very end. They all had names - that particular one was Socrates. He looks so cheerful!


I picked up a part time retail job for the holidays, and my first shift is on Black Friday. It's not a ton of money, but working retail (this store especially) helps me learn more about design in a hands on way. They also said I can help with setting up displays and stuff! Plus, the employee discount is pretty sweet. I'm sure I'll have loads of harrowing tales to tell once the season is over.

Until then, here's hoping the rest of this week is full of thanks.